Sunday, December 17, 2006

So About My Shorter Posts

In recent days I've received numerous emails inquiring about my shorter posts the past month. I appreciate the interest and I'm flattered readers cared enough to ask. I fully intend to continue posting more developed essays as well as podcast interviews. Typically such posts are developed over the weekend. However, in between essays and podcast interviews I'm going to provide short commentary on news items of the day. I had planned on posting an essay style post today but an angry stomach virus had other plans for me. I appreciate the loyal readership my blog has and hope all of you will continue to visit. Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast interview I'll be posting later in the week.

1 comment:

upinVermont said...

Maybe you might consider indicating in the title of your comment, what type of comment it is?

I like your shorter missives, by the way...